Russia has limited number of “Kinzhal” and “Kalibr”, – Defense Intelligence


The stockpile of Kinzhaland Kalibr missiles in Russia is at a critical level.

This was reported by the representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense Andriy Yusov,

“They have a large number of certain missile weapons, especially the S-300, which threatens the front-line territories, and the high-precision Daggers and Calibers are at a critical level,” he noted.

According to Yusov, due to sanctions, there is no possibility of rapid production of high-precision weapons in Russia, but nevertheless “there is a certain production.”

“We can talk about dozens of missiles per month. Even when they pause (in shelling. – Ed.) for months, they still will not be able to cover what was spent on the war in Ukraine, which was thoughtlessly burned. That missile potential , which has been accumulating for years,” added the representative of the Defense Intelligence.

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