The Health Ministry of Ukraine and the World Bank have identified priorities for the recovery of the healthcare system in Ukraine.
“Poland’s Rzeszów hosted a two-day strategic session on attracting investments into Ukraine’s healthcare system as part of the joint project of the Health Ministry of Ukraine and the World Bank ‘Strengthening the Health System and Saving Lives’. During the event, an action plan was elaborated and priority directions for the healthcare system recovery were determined,” reads the report published on the Health Ministry’s website.
According to Health Minister Viktor Liashko, “foremost, we must resume access to basic healthcare services in the de-occupied territories, where health care has been unavailable or significantly limited for a long time, and healthcare facilities have been damaged or destroyed. It is also important to ensure the resumption of the ‘Affordable Medicines’ program in the affected regions, which is very important for people whose level of income has significantly decreased.”
Liashko noted that “during the strategic session, together with experts from the World Bank and the Council of Europe, short-term tasks to be implemented in 2023 in the main sectors were defined and worked out.”
The minister also emphasized that healthcare services in some areas will be resumed with the help of mobile teams and the implementation of a mechanism for the delivery of medicines to remote settlements.
As reported by Ukrinform, an estimated cost of Ukraine’s healthcare infrastructure restoration totals more than $6 billion.
Source: Health Ministry, World Bank identify priorities for Ukraine’s healthcare system recovery