Republican Senator Risch on fighter jets for Ukraine: When we fought in Vietnam, Russians supplied planes to our opponents. It’s time for US


According to US Congress Senator Jim Risch, a Republican, he himself supports the provision of Western-model fighter jets to Ukraine, but there is still no majority for this step among members of Congress.

Rish said this in an interview with “European Pravda” on the sidelines of the Halifax Security Forum, where he arrived at the head of the delegation of the American Congress.

He noted that air control is necessary for Ukraine to win the war.

“I probably represent the most determined group (in the U.S. Congress). In particular, I think it’s important to give Ukraine fighter jets and train your pilots. Some people say, ‘Oh no, that’s going to escalate.’ But listen, when we fought in Vietnam and Korea, the Russians have supplied both planes and pilots to our adversaries! It is time for the US to reciprocate. I am absolutely ready to vote for such a move. I have met with Ukrainian pilots and believe they can use the F- 16. Yes, some training is required, but there are no major problems,” noted Jim Risch.

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At the same time, he admitted that there is no support from the majority for such a decision, as for the provision of Patriot complexes.

“Therefore, for the near term, I advise you to work on the next step being to provide more NASAMS. These systems have proven effective in closing the skies. With enough of them, it will be possible to essentially close the skies without using fighters. Use NASAMS, and in addition, the Stingers, which have already proven themselves quite well as an aid in closing the sky,” noted Jim Rish.

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