According to the founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team, videos with the transfer of technology can be found through TikTok, where you can choose to search for songs.
Ruslan Levilov, the founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team, an independent group of military conflict researchers, said that they found videos of the overthrow of military echelons and columns of equipment through songs about the war. He said this in an interview with Siberia.
Over the past week, CIT has recorded more than 30 videos of vehicles being moved or loaded moving from the Far East to the West. It is most likely that she is going to the border with Ukraine, in particular to the occupied Crimea.
According to Levilov, one of the ways to search for video is to search for music tracks in Tik-Tok. People who shoot echelons or columns of equipment substitute mostly similar songs.
For example, the band “Factor 2”, the band “Lube”, Max Korzh, his track about the war. Something like that usually. In the tick below any video with this track, you can click on the music and the program will show all the videos to which this soundtrack is attached. Sit down. This is probably the easiest way to find any videos on the subject today, ”said the CIT founder.
The Conflict Intelligence Team is also looking for videos on other social networks, such as Vkontakte.