Russia’s Sberbank collecting data on Ukraine Army donors


Russia’s Sberbank says it is working to identify those donating money to the Armed Forces of Ukraine using their cards.

This was reported by TASS, which obtained a copy of a letter signed by Deputy Chair of Sberbank Bella Zlatkis in response to an inquiry by First Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Education Yana Lantratova, Ukrinform reports.

The letter says that Sberbank sends to Rosfinmonitoring the information revealed about money transfers, “whose possible purpose is donations for the military.”

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Earlier, Lantratova addressed FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov and Chairman of the Board of PJSC Sberbank of Russia German Gref on the need to look into the information circulating across social media about a Kyiv-based blogger raising funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine through a bank card issued by Sberbank of Russia.

On February 24, the Russian Federation launched a new phase of its war against Ukraine – a full-scale invasion. Russian invaders have been massively shelling and bombing peaceful towns and villages, torturing and killing civilians in the occupied areas. 

Source: Russia’s Sberbank collecting data on Ukraine Army donors

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