First planeload of Ukrainians seeking shelter lands in Canada

The first government-chartered group of Ukrainian refugees seeking shelter landed in St. John’s, the capital of Canada’s province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The flight took off from the Polish city of Katowice. A total of 166 refugees were on board, including 55 children, CBC News reports.

All flight costs were borne by the government of the Canadian province. Premier Andrew Furey welcomed the refugees at the airport.

Some refugees received job invitations while in Poland as the government of Newfoundland and Labrador established a satellite office in Warsaw to help Ukrainians sort out details like obtaining passports, visas, and transportation.

Canada Border Services Agency data reveals over 19,000 Ukrainian arrivals in Canada so far this year, as Ottawa contends with a flood of applications from those seeking asylum. The federal government has approved over 90,000 temporary visa applications since mid-March.

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Source: First planeload of Ukrainians seeking shelter lands in Canada

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