Border areas of Chernihiv Region, Sumy Region come under enemy fire


Russian invaders have opened fire on the border areas of Chernihiv Region and Sumy Region from the territory of Russia.

The relevant statement was made by the North Operational Command on Facebook, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“Between 00:10 a.m. and 00:30 a.m., observers recorded 20 explosions (presumably, 120 mm mortar shells) and a volley of large-caliber automatic gunfire in the direction of Mykhalchyna Sloboda, Chernihiv Region. No losses among personnel and equipment were reported,” the report states.

In addition, at about 05:40 a.m., Russian troops fired at Bachivsk, Sumy Region, with mortar systems. Eight explosions were recorded, presumably 120 mm mortar shells. The personnel and equipment remained unharmed.

A reminder that, on February 24, 2022, Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russian occupiers are shelling and bombarding Ukrainian cities and villages, torturing and murdering civilians. As of June 13, 2022, Ukrainian defenders eliminated about 32,300 Russian troops.


Source: Border areas of Chernihiv Region, Sumy Region come under enemy fire

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