Enemy controls 70% of Siverodonetsk, almost 500 civilians with children sheltering at Azot plant – Haidai

Russian troops are in control of 70% of Siverodonetsk, Luhansk region, while mass evacuations and humanitarian aid deliveries are currently impossible due to constant shelling, so Ukraine’s forces are able to evacuate only a few people a day.

This was announced on Facebook by the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Haidai, Ukrinform reports.

“The Russians totally control most of Siverodonetsk. The fighting is so fierce that the battle for a single apartment block, let alone a street, can last for a day. About 500 civilians, including 40 children, remain at the Azot (plant’s shelter). The industrial zone is heavily shelled by enemy large-caliber artillery,” Haidai wrote.

Read also: 6-year-old boy killed in Russian strike on Lysychansk

The official added that the shelters at Azot are not as strong as those at Mariupol’s Azovstal, so the authorities and the military are trying to set up an organized evacuation with security guarantees. Meanwhile, a “quiet” evacuation is underway.

Earlier, all people remaining there refused to flee town.

“There is no threat that our troops in Luhansk region will be encircled,” added the head of the Luhansk administration.

According to Haidai, in Lysychansk, the Russians have intensified shelling, employing large-caliber artillery, pummeling the city every day. In recent days, the largest number of killed and wounded was recorded precisely in this settlement.

Photo: Facebook

Source: Enemy controls 70% of Siverodonetsk, almost 500 civilians with children sheltering at Azot plant - Haidai

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