Ukrainian forces push back enemy in two directions in Kharkiv region


Ukraine’s Armed Forces in the Kharkiv region have pushed the enemy back to their previous positions in the directions of Dovhalivka-Zalyman and Lyptsi-Dementiivka.

Oleksandr Motuzianyk, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said this at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“In the Kharkiv direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repulsed the enemy’s offensive in the directions of Dovhalivka-Zalyman (24 km northwest of Izium) and Lyptsi-Dementiivka (27 km north of Kharkiv). Enemy forces were pushed back to their previous positions,” Motuzianyk said.

In general, according to him, in the Kharkiv region, the enemy adheres to the tactics of holding previously occupied positions and preventing the advance of Ukrainian defense forces to the state border and to the rear of the occupation forces in the Sloviansk direction. Therefore, the enemy is constantly trying to keep Ukrainian units in a state of tension and regularly fires at Ukrainian positions using heavy artillery. In particular, such facts were recorded outside Ruska Lozova, Rubizhne, and Staryi Saltiv.

According to Motuzianyk, in the Sloviansk direction, Ukrainian troops are holding back the offensive of Russian forces in the direction of Dovhenke-Krasnopillia.

“Our soldiers successfully repulsed the enemy’s assault operations in the Dovhenke-Mazanivka area,” he added.

Motuzianyk noted that in order to clarify the location of Ukrainian troops, the enemy conducted air reconnaissance using operational and tactical UAVs in the area of Velyka Komyshuvakha.

Source: Ukrainian forces push back enemy in two directions in Kharkiv region

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