To act always in concert, rather than alone, is to multiply one’s advantages, to compensate for one’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities and to exercise maximum leverage against a marginalized, outnumbered adversary whose actions can only be characterized as rogue.
It is impossible to move across the Antonivka Bridge. The logistics and transport routes of the invaders are destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces together with partisan groups.

In recent days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have hit three key targets: the Antonivka Bridge, the Daryivka Bridge, and the road through the Kakhovska HPP dam. The invaders tried to hastily repair the bridges in an effort to restore supply routes for ammunition and heavy equipment but the safety of using the bridges remains questionable. The Russians also build a pontoon crossing across the Inhulets River near the village of Daryivka.
Ukraine goes on a large offensive in the south, in cooperation with the partisans combined operations will strip away supplies and reserves of russian invaders across the entire front, opening the way to the Dnieper river and the cities along its banks.
In the wake of this, the Russian occupation forces on occupied territories have intensified control at checkpoints; they now conduct searches and checks not only on private vehicles but also public.