In Chernihiv, ecologists recorded crimes of Russian Federation for lawsuit in international court. PHOTOS

Today, August 22, a group of ecologists visited the Chernihiv region, where they conducted an examination and photo and video recording of environmental crimes committed by the Russian occupation forces.

Recorded facts and collected materials will be used as evidence in the preparation of a lawsuit to the international court

Experts have documented the shelling of Chernihiv Vodokanal, one of the construction supermarkets where thousands of tons of polymer materials were burned, and forests near the city.

Read more: Last day, occupiers shelled eight regions of Ukraine – RMA summary

“Every day, the Russian occupation forces cause irreparable damage to the environment of Ukraine, and this will have catastrophic consequences in the future. The ecological burden of the war will be felt by the Ukrainian people for decades. It is important to convey the truth not only about how the Russians destroy Ukrainian cities, kill and abuse peaceful residents, treat prisoners of war, and spread fakes and lies. Today, Ukraine is the epicenter of environmental crimes in Europe, and it is necessary to speak out loud about it,” ecologists emphasized.

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In Chernihiv, ecologists recorded crimes of Russian Federation for lawsuit in international court 19

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In Chernihiv, ecologists recorded crimes of Russian Federation for lawsuit in international court 39
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In Chernihiv, ecologists recorded crimes of Russian Federation for lawsuit in international court 41
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In Chernihiv, ecologists recorded crimes of Russian Federation for lawsuit in international court 44
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