Over 600 victims’ bodies have already been exhumed on liberated territories of Kharkiv region


Law enforcement officers have already exhumed over 600 bodies of dead civilians in liberated from Russians territories of Kharkiv region.

This was stated on the air of the telethon by Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky

“In fact, we have already exhumed more than 600 bodies in Kharkiv region. They can not be identified immediately, because there is a problem with this. In particular, identification is carried out through DNA analysis, special laboratories work here. Yes, our international partners have helped us to do this quickly, but still we understand that this work takes weeks, sometimes months to establish who exactly is tortured,” he said.

Monastyrsky said that in this matter, relatives apply to law enforcement officers, they take the appropriate DNA samples, compare them, and only within a certain time the police can establish the identity of the tortured person.

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In addition, the Minister informed that earlier the Verkhovna Rada adopted a special law on DNA, which will definitely simplify the procedure for identifying the bodies of the dead.

“In general, of course, we understand that every moment we approach victory also reveals new war crimes committed by the occupiers,” the official said.

Monastyrsky noted that in each territory liberated from the Russian Federation, law enforcement officers encounter approximately the same thing, including the presence of torture chambers from the Russians.

“In the basements (of some buildings – Ed.) they tortured people, the bodies were taken outside the settlement, and only then we excavate these places of mass graves, almost in every settlement,” – he said.

The Interior Minister expressed conviction that the world should know about what is happening in the occupied by Russia territories.

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