Kuleba on threat from Belarus: We’re doing everything possible to be ready for any scenario


The Ukrainian military and diplomats are working to prevent a military threat from Belarus and to prepare Ukraine for any scenario as much as possible.

“Without a doubt, Putin is making every effort to involve the Belarusian armed forces in a direct military conflict with Ukraine. The goal is clear: to open a second front for Ukraine to bind our forces and, accordingly, weaken the pressure of our counteroffensive in the south and east. Our military understands all this, the diplomats also understand what is happening. All reports have already been made to the President, he has given all instructions related to this issue. And each of us is now doing everything in our areas of the front to prevent this and make Ukraine prepared for any scenario as much as possible,” Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba said during the nationwide news telethon.

As reported, Oleksiy Hromov, the deputy chief of the main operational department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said at a briefing on Thursday that the threat of renewed Russian offensive operations on the northern front was growing.

According to estimates, the direction may be shifted to the western border of Ukraine in order to cut off the logistical routes of weapons and equipment supplies from international partners.


Source: Kuleba on threat from Belarus: We’re doing everything possible to be ready for any scenario

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