Ukrainians will not stop opposing Russia until they reach Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders of 1991.
Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said this in a post on the messaging app Telegram, Ukrinform reports.
“Both Remarque’s anti-war novel ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ and the film [based on the novel] perfectly depict the principle of war, when people are sent to their death for the sake of ghostly pieces of foreign territory. The First World War demonstrated that millions of lives could be lost in trench warfare. Now the Russians profess the same principles when they send thousands of their own soldiers to die,” he said.
Yermak said that efficiency works for Ukrainians, and quantity for Russians.
“Not to count the dead and to forget about them is the whole essence of the Russian war. But quantity will never win over quality. And we will not stop until we reach the borders of 1991,” he said.
Between February 24 and November 7, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated about 76,460 Russian soldiers, including 530 on November 6.
Source: Ukrainians will not stop until they reach 1991 borders - Yermak