Dignity, freedom unchanging values ​​for Ukrainians – Zelensky


President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that dignity and freedom consistently remain the two most relatable values ​​for Ukrainians.

The leaders spoke in a video address to the nation on the occasion of the Day of Dignity and Freedom marked November 21.

The president noted that, while a lot has changed in the country, Europe, and the rest of the world at the moment, the values ​​praised by Ukrainians have remained the same.

“Some things remain unchanged. This is the answer to the question of who Ukrainians are and what is most important for us. Two values, inextricably intertwined, like the right and left banks of the Dnipro. Like blue and yellow colors. Like Chubynskyi’s lyrics and Verbytskyi’s music. Like two threads of a pattern on a vyshyvanka, where our genetic code is encrypted. This is dignity and freedom,” the president said.

Read also: Zelensky publishes photos of liberated Kherson

He added that Ukrainians have always remembered this and have no right to forget it. They have always valued it and are not afraid to defend it, Zelensky stressed.

“We always knew what we wanted. And this year, everyone found out that we can. Friends and foes saw it. Allies and partners did. And we did, ourselves. Some saw yet again. Some – for the first time. But all together we proved and continue to prove that dignity and freedom are a holiday for us. This has remained unchanged. And everyone has seen what Ukrainians are capable of,” said Zelensky.

Ukraine celebrates Day of Dignity and Freedom annually on November 21.

The holiday was declared by a Presidential Decree of November 13, 2014, in honor of the two significant events in recent Ukrainian history – the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013.

Source: Dignity, freedom unchanging values ​​for Ukrainians - Zelensky

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