Pope compares Russia’s war against Ukraine to Nazi ‘Operation Reinhardt’


Pope Francis has compared Russia’s war against Ukraine to “Operation Reinhardt,” the extermination plan carried out by the Nazis against Polish Jews during World War II.

That’s according to ANSA, Ukrinform reports.

“On Monday, the Center for Catholic-Jewish Relations of the Catholic University of Lublin commemorated the anniversary of Operation Reinhardt. During the Second World War, this led to the extermination of almost two million victims, mostly of Jewish origin. May the memory of this horrible event arouse resolutions and actions for peace in all of us. History repeats itself. We see now what is happening in Ukraine. Let’s pray for peace,” the pontiff said during his general audience.

Referring to Thursday’s Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, he called on the faithful to pray the Mother of God to comfort  all those tried by the “brutality of war,” and especially for “tormented Ukraine,” according to Vatican News.

Source: Pope compares Russia's war against Ukraine to Nazi ‘Operation Reinhardt’

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