Russians could blow up Orthodox churches in Donetsk could on Christmas Day in act of provocation – OSINT group


Several Orthodox churches in Donetsk and other settlements across the occupied territories may be blown up during the festive morning service on January 7.

That’s according to a report by the InformNapalm international volunteer community, Ukrinform saw.

“According to two InformNapalm sources close to the ‘DPR’ militants, there is a high likelihood that several Orthodox churches in Donetsk and other settlements in the territories occupied by the Ruscists may be mined and blown up during the festive morning service on January 7 in order to shoot propaganda reports for the domestic Russian audience and thus create a pretext for a new wave of mobilization,” the report reads.

As noted, the said information was received on January 4 and 5, but the organization “tried to collect additional data.”

Read also: Putin sees occupied Crimea, Belarus as areas fit for nuclear provocation – intel

“We believe that Putin’s public statement about his intentions to declare a ‘ceasefire,’ which appeared in the afternoon, may be indirect evidence of media preparations to the specified act of terror as yet another false flag operation, already traditional for the Russian Federation,” the community reported.

The organization cites a source indicating the possibility that the Russians are planning to use in their propaganda reports HIMARS munitions fragments collected at the actual strike sites as “evidence” of the Ukrainian involvement in the attacks.

“We have very little time left to gather additional evidence, so we are releasing this incomplete data in the hope that the plot of the Ruscists will be thwarted through publicity. We currently have no information on the specific locations where the bombs have been planted so we urge all civilians in the occupied territories to refrain from attending church services, so as not to become a victim of Russia’s bloody provocation. Celebrate Christmas at home with your family and avoid crowded venues,” the volunteer community warns.

Source: Russians could blow up Orthodox churches in Donetsk could on Christmas Day in act of provocation - OSINT group

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