A specialized state institution refuted fake news that was tried to be propagated on behalf of a private company
Russian Telegram channel spread information about the alleged cholera outbreak in Odesa. It was backed up by a photo of a leaflet that the city residents allegedly received in their mailboxes. The leaflet called residents for utmost vigilance and caution, offered a list of precautionary measures and a phone number to call to in case of symptoms of illness. The leaflet was allegedly sent out by the private company “House Service” Management Company”.

The information about the alleged outbreak of cholera is fake.
The company and its contacts indicated on the leaflet indeed could be found on Google.

In a comment to Ukrinform, the director of the organization confirmed the existence of the company, emphasizing that its real name is “House Service” LLC. He also denied any involvement of the organization in the distribution of leaflets about the alleged outbreak of cholera.
The contact details indicated in the leaflet for a potential patient are not valid.
The specialized state institution “Odesa Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” officially refuted the fake information about the alleged outbreak of cholera. “The specified information does not correspond to reality. No cholera cases were registered in Ukraine and Odesa region,” the institution said in its response to Ukrinform’s inquiry.

This is not the first time that fakes about cholera are spread. In June 2022, it was reported that JSC Kyivvodokanal, Kyiv water supply company, denied the information that tap water could be dangerous and diseases could spread through it. A similar fake was also refuted in Kharkiv. Later, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine reported that no cholera cases had been recorded in Ukraine.
Dmytro Badrak
Source: Russian propaganda ‘spreads’ cholera in Odesa: first on leaflets, then in Telegram