The Howard G. Buffett Foundation donates pickup trucks, metal detectors to State Emergency Service


The Howard G. Buffett Foundation donated 12 pickup trucks, metal detectors, and mine detection dogs to the explosive technicians of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Serhiy Kruk, Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, welcomed Buffett to Ukraine.

“Mechanical demining machines donated by The Howard G. Buffett Foundation are already working in Kherson region and helping Luhansk explosive technicians clear the region,” Kruk said, the State Emergency Service posted on Telegram.

According to him, the Foundation provides 12 pickup trucks, metal detectors, and mine detection dogs for the needs of explosive technicians.

“We thank you for supporting our explosive technicians. I am sure that we will have many joint projects in the future!” Kruk emphasized.

As reported, the U.S. Agency for International Development handed over 100 generators for the State Emergency Service from The Howard G. Buffett Foundation.

Source: The Howard G. Buffett Foundation donates pickup trucks, metal detectors to State Emergency Service

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