The release of information that Ukrainian forces took up positions on the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson region triggered the intensification of Russian actions, increased enemy shelling, as a result of which about 30 houses were destroyed and the civilian population suffered.
“You need to trust reliable sources and understand what the analysts’ conclusions are and what the report on the combat missions performed is. The updated information, unfortunately, is not very comforting and not very pleasant. The enemy, reacting to such fake information, significantly increased the attacks on the opposite shore. We have a very powerful shelling of Kherson district, Beryslav district, about 30 residential buildings were destroyed, civilians were injured, and a school was destroyed in one of the settlements. Inspired by this information, the enemy launched a very powerful air attack, pulled up artillery, and tried to prove with all their might that they were holding positions. Such are the consequences of a fake story in the conditions of a hybrid war,” Natalia Humeniuk, the head of the press center of the Operational Command “South”, said during the national news telethon.
Earlier, Humeniuk already emphasized that the conditions of a military operation require informational silence. The spokeswoman once again urged to be very careful with the information that is made public from various sources and to perceive it in a balanced way, calling on journalists to report data, relying only on official sources.
As reported, the Institute for the Study of War reported that Ukrainian forces had taken up positions on the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson region.
Source: Humeniuk explains why enemy has increased strikes on right-bank Kherson region