Occupying forces fail to deliver on compensation promises to residents with homes destroyed


In the temporarily captured territory of Luhansk region, Russian invaders refuse to pay compensation to the residents for the houses and apartments obliterated in hostilities.

That’s according to the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Ukrinform reports.

“For months, the invaders have been vowing compensation for destroyed property – but these were only words. It took people weeks to collect the necessary paperwork and wait in line. And after they overcame all the obstacles, the vast majority heard a refusal or had their paperwork accepted with no information provided about the terms,” officials wrote on Facebook.

As noted by the administration chief, “their next demand is that if no decision was approved to demolish the house, in which a certain apartment was destroyed, then they promise to pay only RUB 6,000 per square meter. For this money, people could at best buy a hallway of basement.”

The invaders are also intensifying measures to force Russian citizenship upon residents of the occupied areas.

Local medics are now coming under most pressure, being told to obtain Russian passports until the end of June otherwise they would be interrogated by the security force and then laid off.

“That’s despite a situation where there are not enough medics to treat wounded militants, not to mention civilians, who in many cities and villages cannot even count on first aid,” officials emphasized.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, in the temporarily captured Luhansk, Russian invaders are recruiting volunteers to promote Russian citizenship among the local population.

Source: Occupying forces fail to deliver on compensation promises to residents with homes destroyed

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