Ukrainian forces continue offensive in three sectors – General Staff


Ukraine’s defense forces continue to conduct an offensive operation in the Bakhmut, Melitopol and Berdiansk sectors, making gains in some places and entrenching themselves on the achieved lines.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said this in a post on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

The General Staff noted that the defense forces had made partial gains in the area of Novodanylivka – Shyroka Balka and Mala Tokmachka – Novopokrovka, entrenching themselves on the achieved lines, firing artillery on the identified enemy targets and carrying out counter-battery countermeasures.

The enemy is putting up fierce resistance, moving units and troops. Enemy reserves are actively used.

“In the Bakhmut sector, our troops continue to conduct offensive actions north and south of the city of Bakhmut. Here, on the southern flank of the offensive, they had partial success. They are entrenching themselves on the achieved lined,” the General Staff said.

From February 24, 2022 to July 13, 2023, Ukraine’s defense forces eliminated about 236,040 Russian invaders.

Source: Ukrainian forces continue offensive in three sectors - General Staff

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