Zelensky awards Hero of Ukraine title to 35 defenders


President Volodymyr Zelensky has awarded the Hero of Ukraine title to 35 defenders, including 31 of them posthumously.

The corresponding decrees, No. 638/2023-No. 72/2023, were published on the president’s website, Ukrinform reports.

Soldiers were awarded the title “for personal courage and heroism, shown in the defense of Ukraine’s state sovereignty and territorial integrity, selfless service to the Ukrainian people.”

Read also: President Zelensky congratulates defenders: No one will manage to ‘switch off’ Ukrainian resilience

Thus, the Hero of Ukraine title with presenting the Golden Star order was awarded to Staff Sergeant Oleksandr Kostenko, Sergeant Viktor Nasonov, Lieutenant Andrii Doktorenko, Junior Sergeant Bohdan Mahalias.

The Hero of Ukraine title with the Golden Star order was awarded to 31 defenders posthumously.

As reported, October 1 is the Day of Defenders and Defendresses of Ukraine.

Photo: President’s Office

Source: Zelensky awards Hero of Ukraine title to 35 defenders

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