Kirovohrad region harvested 2 million tons of late grains and legumes


As of September 10, late grains, legumes and corn were harvested on an area of 470,100 hectares, or 62% of the forecast, and 2 million tons of grain were harvested in Kirovohrad region.

This was reported to Ukrinform by Valeria Furmanova, Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kirovohrad Regional State Administration.

“Farms in the region started harvesting late crops in the third decade of August. As of September 10, 2024, cereals and legumes with corn were harvested on an area of 470,100 hectares, or 62% of the forecast, 2 mln tons of grain were harvested, and the average yield is 42.5 c/ha,” said Furmanova.

According to the official, corn was harvested on an area of 41,400 hectares (13% of the forecast), with an average yield of 137,500 tons, with an average yield of 33.2 c/ha (18.9 c/ha less than last year).

Read also: Ukraine already harvests 35.1M tonnes of grain, oilseed crops

Soybeans were harvested on an area of 90,500 hectares, which is 60% of the forecast, with a gross harvest of 127,600 tons, the average yield was 14.1 c/ha (down 1.7 c/ha on the same date last year). Sunflower was harvested on an area of 167,000 hectares, or 26% of the forecast, with a harvest of 334,000 tons, the average yield was 20.0 c/ha (down 3.5 c/ha year-on-year).

The decline was caused, in particular, by high temperatures in July and August, which negatively affected the flowering of the panicle, cob and fertilization in corn, flowering and fertilization of soybeans, and caused the formation of an underdeveloped sunflower basket.

As reported by Ukrinform, as of September 13, 2024, Ukrainian farmers harvested 39.06 million tons of new crops on an area of 10.9 million hectares.

Source: Kirovohrad region harvested 2 million tons of late grains and legumes

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