President: At Ramstein we will discuss joint steps, October is time for decisions


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that soon in Germany, in the Ramstein format, Ukraine will discuss steps together with its allies and appropriate decisions will be made.

According to Ukrinform, the head of state said this in his evening address.

According to him, many tasks were accomplished during the visit to the United States.

The Head of State thanked President Biden for the largest support package ever – almost USD 8 billion. This includes weapons for the frontline, air defense for Ukrainian cities, and the expansion of the F-16 training mission.

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Video: Office of the President

“I presented the Victory Plan, and we agreed that we would soon discuss our steps with our allies in Germany in the Ramstein format. October is the time for decisions,” Zelensky emphasized.

The President added that it was important for Ukraine to meet with both US presidential candidates.

“The meeting with Kamala Harris – all the important accents were voiced, almost an hour-long conversation. The meeting with Donald Trump is our second meeting since the nineteenth of the year, and it is now so important. Thank you for your attention to the details of our Victory Plan,” Zelensky emphasized.

He emphasized that life is based on principles and law when it cannot be destroyed by violence.

Read also: Zelensky: Ukraine has received full support for strategy of bringing peace through strength

“That is why unity is so important. The unity of allies, the unity of the world to stop Russia, this war and guarantee a real honest peace. The peace that Ukraine wants more than anyone else in the world, and which will definitely come,” the head of state assured.

As Ukrinform previously reported, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky was on a visit to the United States, where he took part in high-level events of the UN General Assembly and held nearly three dozen meetings.

Photo: OP

Source: President: At Ramstein we will discuss joint steps, October is time for decisions

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