Naftogaz, juvenile police launch road traffic safety project for children


In cooperation with the juvenile police and Charitable Foundation ‘Energy of Victory of Ukraine’ [Enerhiia Peremohy Ukrainy], Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC has launched a social project, Safety in Action 2, which concerns children’s information awareness about safety rules, namely with regard to road traffic safety.

The relevant statement was made by Director of the Department for Land Relations and Communities Interaction at Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC (Naftogaz) Vitalii Chudak during an online children’s lecture on road traffic safety, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“The partner of our project is Charitable Foundation ‘Energy of Victory of Ukraine’. As part of this project, within the next two weeks, our managers will visit more than 100 schools. Together with local representatives of the juvenile police, they will hold offline lectures on safety conditions in corresponding territorial communities,” Chudak told.

This year, according to Chudak, they offer schoolchildren involved in the project to take part in a drawing competition to consolidate knowledge about road traffic safety. The competition is titled ‘Children’s Rules of Road Behavior in Darkness and Daylight’.

“We ask schoolchildren to present their visual understanding of this project and process. Drawings should be mailed to the following address: Kyiv, Nova Poshta Office No. 72, Chupryna Filip Serhiiovych, 0508111118. Otherwise, these drawings can be scanned and sent to the e-mail address as follows: [email protected]. The winners will be announced on the Facebook page ‘Naftogaz. Sustainable Development’ on November 8, 2024. There will definitely be gifts,” Chudak noted.

A reminder that, on July 22, 2022, Ukraine’s juvenile police, in cooperation with partners, Charitable Foundation ‘I am the Future of Ukraine’ [Ya Maibutnie Ukrainy] and the telecommunication companies, Datagroup and Volia, launched a charity project, Our Children. The purpose of the project is to provide assistance to children who were left without parents due to the war. The project is still ongoing.

Partner news

Source: Naftogaz, juvenile police launch road traffic safety project for children

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