Russian Telegram channels are circulating a fake video claiming to show a statement by a “deputy defense minister” of Ukraine in order to discredit Ukraine in the face of international partners.
That’s according to the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.
In the video distributed by propagandists, allegedly created by the UNITED24 Media platform, a deputy defense minister of Ukraine, “Dmytro Marushchak”, thanks partners for the allocated military aid package worth GBP 1.6 billion, while emphasizing that this is not enough.
“In fact, the UNITED24 Media platform never shot such a video, its representatives informed the Center. In addition, there is no ‘Dmytro Marushchak’ among the Deputy Ministers of Defense of Ukraine,” the Center said.
The authorities emphasized that such hoax reports are aimed at discrediting government bodies and Ukrainians as “ungrateful” for international support and assistance provided by Western partners.
At the same time, the CCD recalled that this is not the first time that Russian propaganda platforms have circulated hoax videos on behalf of UNITED24 Media.
As Ukrinform reported, the CCD denied the fake story of USAID allegedly having paid Time magazine $4 million to name Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “Person of the Year”.
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Source: Russia spreading hoax statement of Ukraine’s “deputy defense minister”