Germany’s Bundesrat approves EUR 3B in military aid for Ukraine


Germany’s upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat, has approved constitutional amendments that will increase spending in three key areas, including unblocking an additional EUR 3 billion in military aid for Ukraine.

The vote took place on Friday, March 21, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

The measure, passed by the Bundestag on March 18, received support from 35 representatives of Germany’s federal states — meeting the required two-thirds majority of 46 votes. Four states abstained.

The increased spending is made possible by an exemption from Germany’s “debt brake” rule, which limits the government’s ability to take on new loans.

With this approval, there are now no remaining obstacles to allocating the EUR 3 billion in military aid to Ukraine this year.

Read also: Bundestag approves amendments to Constitution to unblock military aid to Ukraine

Germany’s Defense Ministry had already begun assembling the aid package before the official decision was made. Some components — such as certain types of ammunition, vehicles, and drones — could be delivered within weeks or months. However, more complex systems, including IRIS-T air defense units, will require additional production time. Now, the ministry can move forward with contracts to manufacture the necessary weapons.

Source: Germany's Bundesrat approves EUR 3B in military aid for Ukraine

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