Borrell meets with Iran’s top diplomat, condemns missile supplies to Russia


EU High Representative Josep Borrell strongly condemned the recent supply of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia during a meeting in New York with Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi.

Borrell also noted that the weapons, which will be used against the civilian population of Ukraine, pose a direct threat to European security, according to a report posted on the website of the European External Action Service, Ukrinform saw.

“High Representative Borrell stressed the EU strong condemnation of the recent transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia. He underlined to Minister Araghchi that the EU considers the delivery of such weapons a direct threat to European security and that it represents a substantial material escalation, after the provision of Iranian UAVs and ammunition, which Russia has used in its illegal attacks at civilian targets in Ukraine,” the report said.

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During the meeting with Iran’s foreign minister, the high representative noted that there is a risk of full-scale military escalation in the Middle East, and called on Iran to exert its influence to avoid further escalation.

Borrell emphasized the importance of respect for human rights and fundamental rights. He called on the Iranian authorities to respect the fundamental freedoms of citizens of their own country and stop the practice of arbitrary detentions, including of citizens of EU member states, on the territory of Iran.

The high representative also emphasized the importance of restoring “nuclear” diplomacy and, as the coordinator of negotiations within the framework of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran’s nuclear program, expressed his readiness to facilitate a diplomatic solution that addresses the concerns of different sides.

Read also: EU to continue supporting Ukraine regardless of U.S actions – Borrell

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the European Union condemned the transfer of Iranian-made missiles to Russia for use in the war against Ukraine and announced the preparation of a new package of sanctions against Iran for such actions.

Photo: Europa Press

Source: Borrell meets with Iran’s top diplomat, condemns missile supplies to Russia

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