Russian propaganda fakes Charlie Hebdo cover about Ukraine’s Formula for Peace

Propagandists are trying to discredit President Volodymyr Zelensky’s initiative in the eyes of Western allies

Pro-Kremlin media outlets, Telegram channels, and bots on social media platform X are spreading an allegedly new cover of the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo. It features a cartoon-style depiction of the pacific international peace symbol, made up of the remains of a soldier in Ukrainian uniform, and the caption “Ukrainian Peace Formula.”

This cover is a fake – it is not available on the Charlie Hebdo website or on the magazine’s social media accounts, which typically feature the first pages of new issues.

The fake cover indicates that the publication date is October 11 and the issue number is 1682. However, there was no new issue of Charlie Hebdo on that day.

In fact, the previous two copies were published on October 9 and 16 and had issue numbers 1681 and 1682, respectively. Both covers of the magazine feature completely different cartoons that have nothing to do with Ukraine.

Russian propagandists often like to create and then replicate fake covers of well-known foreign satirical magazines. In particular, the “creative work” of fake makers includes the “covers” of the German magazine Titanic, French publications Courrier International and Franc Tireur, the Indian weekly Ananda Vikatan, the American satirical magazine Humor Times, the Spanish satirical magazine El Jueves, and others.

Such fakes are aimed at discrediting Ukraine’s Peace Formula initiated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky around the world and in Ukraine. This is done in order to show its alleged ineffectiveness and to pressure Ukraine and Western countries into accepting unfavorable terms that Russia is seeking to impose.

In fact, as stated by President Zelensky, over the past two years, nearly 100 countries from around the world have expressed support for Ukraine’s Peace Formula, which aims to restore justice for the Ukrainian people.

As Ukrinform reported, Russian propaganda created a fake claiming that Ukraine is encouraging pensioners to serve in the army in exchange for sanatorium vouchers and TVs.

Andriy Olenin

Source: Russian propaganda fakes Charlie Hebdo cover about Ukraine's Formula for Peace

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