CIA director says intelligence sharing with NATO allies ‘essential cement’ in coalition to support Ukraine


CIA Director Bill Burns has said that intelligence sharing with NATO allies plays an important in holding together a coalition in support of Ukraine.

“I think the intelligence sharing that we engage in — and it’s a two-way street (we’ve learned a lot from our NATO partners, we learn a lot from the Ukrainians as well) — I think has been the kind of essential cement in the coalition that (US President Joe Biden) has organized,” Burns said during a panel at a Saturday session of the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

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According to him, the U.S. intelligence services are working hard with NATO Allied Joint Force Command in Europe and European partners to have “as clear a picture as possible across the Alliance.”

The CIA director added that intelligence sharing with partners is carried out “in a very quick and systematic way”. 

Source: CIA director says intelligence sharing with NATO allies ‘essential cement’ in coalition to support Ukraine

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