Politics & Economics

MFA responds to Czech president’s statement about occupation of Ukrainian territory after end of war

MFA responds to Czech president’s statement about occupation of Ukrainian territory after end of war

Temporary solutions for ending Russia's war against Ukraine will not bring lasting peace but will merely postpone the war. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said this in a comment on statements about the possibility of temporarily leaving part of Ukrainian territory under occupation, Ukrinform reports. The ministry said that the withdrawal of Russian occupying forces from the sovereign territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders was one of the mandatory points of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's Peace Formula. This and other provisions of the Formula will guarantee a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace not only for Ukraine, but for the…
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Sybiha, EU foreign ministers coordinate steps for Ukraine’s victory

Sybiha, EU foreign ministers coordinate steps for Ukraine’s victory

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha and the foreign ministers of the EU countries have agreed to make joint and quick decisions for victory and peace at an informal meeting in New York. The Ukrainian foreign policy chief announced this on X, Ukrinform reports. "I was delighted to meet with my EU colleagues in a friendly atmosphere of an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in New York. Thank you, dear [EU High Representative] Josep Borrell. We coordinated steps and agreed to make joint, swift, and strong decisions for victory and peace. Time matters," Sybiha said. Read also: Biden at UN:…
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Zelensky meets with Meloni in New York

Zelensky meets with Meloni in New York

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has held a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in New York. The head of state announced this on X, Ukrinform reports. "It is always a pleasure to meet with Giorgia Meloni. On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, we agreed on our next joint plans. I am grateful to Giorgia for all the decisive steps taken by the G7 under the Italian Presidency and for her commitment to joint efforts in establishing a lasting and just peace," Zelensky said. Read also: Biden at UN: We cannot grow weary and let up on our…
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Biden at UN: We cannot grow weary and let up on our support for Ukraine

Biden at UN: We cannot grow weary and let up on our support for Ukraine

U.S. President Joe Biden has called on UN member states not to grow weary in their support of Ukraine in order to help the country win the war and preserve its freedom. He stated this in his speech at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent. "The world has another choice to make. Will we sustain our support to help Ukraine win this war and preserve its freedom, or walk away and let aggression be renewed and a nation be destroyed? I know my answer. We cannot grow weary. We cannot look…
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Zelensky: Victory plan is not about negotiations with Russia

Zelensky: Victory plan is not about negotiations with Russia

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, commenting on the Victory Plan for Ukraine, which he plans to present to US President Joe Biden during his visit to the USA, explained that it is not about negotiations with Russia. Volodymyr Zelensky said it in an interview with ABC News, Ukrinform reports. Ukraine's president declined to provide details of the plan ahead of presenting it to his counterpart Joe Biden later this week, but made clear the plan is aimed at strengthening Ukraine in order to force Russian leader Vladimir Putin to negotiate on fair terms. Zelensky also noted that he does not…
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Swiss Parliament recognizes Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainian people

Swiss Parliament recognizes Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainian people

The Swiss Parliament recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as genocide against the Ukrainian people. Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk posted this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports. "The Swiss National Council adopted a resolution which recognizes systematic actions aimed at mass and purposeful extermination by starvation with intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as an act of genocide," Stefanchuk wrote. According to him, "this is a truly historic decision. And this is an extremely important step on the way to restoring historical justice and preserving the memory of millions of innocent victims." Read also:…
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Ukraine expects decision on case of violation of Maritime Convention within 9-12 months

Ukraine expects decision on case of violation of Maritime Convention within 9-12 months

The Ukrainian side assumes that a decision on the case of violation of the Maritime Convention may be made within 9-12 months. Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Anton Korynevych said this in an exclusive comment to an Ukrinform correspondent in The Hague. “If we look at the practice of such cases, then, in principle, it can take nine months or more from the end of the last hearing on the merits of the case to the adoption of the relevant decision of the arbitral tribunal. So we think that, conditionally, we may have a final award…
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Explaining complex things in simple words: Getting closer to peace, Kremlin’s illusive “Red Lines”, Threat to NPPs

Explaining complex things in simple words: Getting closer to peace, Kremlin’s illusive “Red Lines”, Threat to NPPs

The Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security pursues efforts to provide a brief explanation to foreign audiences on the current topics of particular interest as regards Ukraine. 1. GETTING CLOSER TO PEACE “I believe we are closer to peace than we think. We are closer to the end of war,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an interview on ABC's Good Morning America program on September 23.     Kyiv's position remains unchanged: peace can be achieved only through the strengthening of Ukraine's defence capabilities. Only in this way, from a strong position, can Russia be forced to take the path…
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G7+ Ministerial Group calls for urgent support for Ukraine’s energy sector

G7+ Ministerial Group calls for urgent support for Ukraine’s energy sector

The G7+ Ministerial Group has called on the global community to urgently step up support for Ukraine's energy sector as winter draws near. The ministers said this in a statement published on the website of the U.S. Department of State, Ukrinform reports. "We, the G7+ Ministerial Group, met on the margins of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of Russia's brutal and unjust attacks on Ukraine and its energy infrastructure. We reaffirm our strong commitment to the territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally…
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Zelensky meets with executives from leading energy companies in New York

Zelensky meets with executives from leading energy companies in New York

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has discussed with executives from leading U.S. energy, finance and insurance companies the preparation of the Ukrainian energy system for this winter. The head of state announced this on his Telegram channel, Ukrinform reports. Zelensky said that in New York, he met with executives from leading U.S. energy, finance, and insurance companies, as well as U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Richard Verma. [embedded content] Source: Official Telegram channel of the President of Ukraine "The primary focus was on preparing Ukraine's energy system for…
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