World activists are taking to the streets of their cities to demand weapons from their governments for Ukraine and recognize Russia as a state-terrorist. Join your city to support Ukraine:
10 Oct., 20.00, Georgia, Tbilisi, Parliament Hall Tbilisi
10 Oct., 18.00 Slovakia, Bratislava, Narodna Rada Slovenskej Republiky, Zámocká street
10 Oct. 19.00, Spain, Alicante , Plaza de la Montaneta
10 Oct. 18.00, Norway, Oslo, The Storting building
10 Oct. 19.30, Romania, Bucharest, Ukraine embassy
10 Oct. 18.00, Cyprus, Paphos, Harbour Kiosk
10 Oct. 19.00, Cyprus, Limassol, Skatepark
10 Oct. 19.00, Cyprus, Larnaca, Anchor-heart
10 Oct. 19.00, Cyprus,Nicosia, russion embassy
10 Oct. 13.00 (Kiyv), Sweden, Linköping
10 Oct.+ 11 Oct., 18.00, Czech Republic, Praha, Václavské náměstí
10 Oct. 18.00, Greece, Salonika, Aristotelous square
10 Oct. 18.00, Greece, Athens, russian embassy
10 Oct. 18:00, Sweden, Stockholm, Fria Ukrainas plats
10 Oct. 17:00, Spain, Barcelona, Av. de Pearson 34
10 Oct. 15.30, Belgium, Brussels, Bld Leopold III 1110
10 Oct. 17.00,Sweden, Gothenburg, russian embassy
10 Oct. 19:30, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Šubičeva 4, Parlament National Assembly Building of Slovenia (Državni zbor Republike Slovenije).
10 Oct. 17:30, Scotland, Glasgow, George Square
10 Oct. 18.00-20.00, Czech Republic, Brno,Janáčkovo divadlo
11 Oct., 12.00, Australia, Sydney, NSW parliament