Russia recruits Ukrainian children through social media to set fire to military vehicles – Lubinets


Russia is recruiting Ukrainian children to set fire to vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, offering a reward of several thousand dollars.

This was reported by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets in Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

“The aggressor country does not disdain any means to achieve its goals and uses Ukrainian children for this purpose. Currently, they are recruiting minors to set fire to military vehicles. In return, they promise them a monetary reward of several thousand dollars,” Lubinets said.

He added that recruitment is carried out through social media.

The Ombudsman stressed that in this way Russia is trying to destabilise the situation in Ukraine.

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According to him, cases of arson attacks on military vehicles have already been recorded in Kyiv, Odesa, and Dnipro.

The Ombudsman reminded that this is a criminal offence and urged parents to tell their children why they should not do this and tell them about the enemy’s cunning, “because in the future, Russia may come up with other recruitment schemes.”

“Children must be vigilant on social media and not succumb to Russian provocations!” Lubinets stressed.

As reported, a woman from Nizhyn and her minor son were detained in Kyiv for setting fire to military vehicles on request.

Source: Russia recruits Ukrainian children through social media to set fire to military vehicles - Lubinets

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