AFU will be reinforced by more than 2,000 lieutenants: Zelensky addresses graduate officers


Higher military educational institutions of Ukraine have graduated more than 2,000 lieutenants this year.

President Volodymyr Zelensky has congratulated the officers who graduated from Ukraine’s higher military educational institutions, Ukrinform reports.

Source: OP

“These weeks, Ukrainian higher military educational institutions are graduating young officers – more than two thousand lieutenants who will strengthen our combat brigades and Ukraine as a whole. Now they all still have to prove themselves, their qualities, their strength. They still have to grow in experience and ranks. But I have no doubt that there are those among them who will definitely grow from commanders into commanders, who are grateful to their mentors now, but will also become mentors for others,” the post says.

Read also: Courage, professionalism must ensure victory – Zelensky to National Defense University graduates

According to the President, the Defence Forces of Ukraine are now such that “we are rightly proud of our soldiers and the results in the defence of the country. But at the same time, we know that our army needs more modern practices and skills, more technology, more human centredness. And this will happen. It will happen.”

As Ukrinform reported, on 18 June, President Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated the students of the strategic and operational levels of the National Defence University on their graduation and presented them with honours diplomas.

Source: AFU will be reinforced by more than 2,000 lieutenants: Zelensky addresses graduate officers

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