NATO conducts audit of all weapons to find remnants that can be transferred to Ukraine – Chernev

NATO member countries conduct audits and revisions of all weapons and ammunition to find remnants in warehouses that can be transferred to Ukraine.

“We had a conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the exhaustion of weapons and ammunition for Ukraine in Western countries. Yes, indeed, there is such a trend, because no one was preparing for such a large-scale and intense war.

But NATO makes every effort and includes all available tools so that the flow of aid not only does not decrease but also increases.

1. NATO countries conduct audits and revisions of all weapons and ammunition to find remnants in warehouses that can be transferred to Ukraine.

2. NATO, by way of exception, allowed its members not to comply with the mandatory norms for the availability of weapons and ammunition to transfer part of the intact stocks to Ukraine.

3. NATO is negotiating with the world’s largest arms manufacturers on long-term contracts, calculated for months and years in advance. Part of the manufactured weapons will go to replenish the arsenals of countries that have exhausted their reserves after handing them over to Ukraine, part will go directly to us,” he said.

According to Chernev, no one “is going to leave Ukraine, no matter how long the war lasts.”

“NATO is ready to support us as long as necessary. And this means that in the war of resources and the arms race, Russia will definitely lose. And we will win. There are no options,” he concluded.

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