Volodymyr Zelenskiy details ‘Ukrainian formula for peace’

Volodymyr Zelenskiy details ‘Ukrainian formula for peace’

Ukraine’s president has posted a statement on his telegram channel, following up on the comments he made to G20 leaders a short while ago. Ukraine has always been a leader in peacekeeping efforts, and the world has seen it. And if Russia says that it supposedly wants to end this war, let it prove it with actions. We will not allow Russia to wait, build up its forces, and then start a new series of terror and global destabilisation. There will be no Minsk-3, which Russia will violate immediately after the agreement. There is a Ukrainian formula for peace. Peace…
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Ukraine war: Russia ‘deliberately’ destroyed Kherson infrastructure – Zelensky

Ukraine war: Russia ‘deliberately’ destroyed Kherson infrastructure – Zelensky

President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russian troops of destroying "critical infrastructure" during their withdrawal from the city of Kherson. Kyiv's forces re-entered Kherson- the only major Ukrainian city to fall to Russian forces - last week. But in a nightly address, Mr Zelensky said Moscow's forces had mined "all important objects" in the region as they retreated. The comments came ahead of his address to the G-20 summit of world leaders. "This is what the Russian flag means - complete desolation," Mr Zelensky said. "There is no electricity, no communication, no internet, no television. The occupiers destroyed everything themselves -…
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There is only one condition for negotiations – Russia must leave all occupied territories, – Zaluzhnyi

There is only one condition for negotiations – Russia must leave all occupied territories, – Zaluzhnyi

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhnyi had a telephone conversation with General Mark Milley, Chairman of United States Joint Chiefs of Staff. "I have assured that we will fight as far as it takes. Our goal is to liberate the entire Ukrainian land from Russian occupation. We will not stop on this path under any circumstances. Ukrainian military will not accept any negotiations, agreements or compromises. There is only one condition for negotiations - Russia must leave all the occupied territories," Zaluzhnyi wrote. According to the Armed Forces Chief, the situation at the front is stable and controlled. "We…
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It’ s up to Zelenskiy to decide when it’s time for talks with Russia, – Austrian Foreign Minister

It’ s up to Zelenskiy to decide when it’s time for talks with Russia, – Austrian Foreign Minister

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg currently sees no opportunities for peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, a decision to start which will be made at an appropriate time by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. This was stated by the Head of Austrian diplomacy to journalists in Brussels on Monday "We must always keep this door open (for peace talks between Ukraine and Russia - Ed.), because, in the end, sustainable peace can be achieved only at the negotiating table. However, I think that time has not yet come... And this should be said by President Zelenskiy when the time is right," Schallenberg…
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Ukraine conflict: What war crimes is Russia accused of?

Ukraine conflict: What war crimes is Russia accused of?

A protester in Paris holds a sign accusing Vladimir Putin of war crimesImage source, Reuters Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, says Russian troops may have committed more than 400 war crimes in Kherson before abandoning the city. According to Ukraine, at least 34,000 possible war crimes have been carried out by Russian forces since February. "Even war has rules", as the International Committee of the Red Cross says. These are set out in treaties called the Geneva Conventions along with other international laws and agreements. Military forces cannot deliberately attack civilians - nor the infrastructure that is vital to their survival.…
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Kuleba met with Blinken: They discussed future supplies of weapons for Armed Forces.

Kuleba met with Blinken: They discussed future supplies of weapons for Armed Forces.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba met with the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. He announced this on Twitter "I met with Anthony Blinken. He emphasized that when we see the people of Kherson meet their liberators with tears of joy, we also feel gratitude to the USA and the American people for all their support," the minister said. According to Kuleba, he also thanked Blinken for future US decisions to provide the Armed Forces with additional modern military equipment.
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Ukraine is not only fighting to defend its independence and democracy but is also for a principle. Russia Suffers ‘Catastrophic Strategic Disaster’ in Ukraine

Ukraine is not only fighting to defend its independence and democracy but is also for a principle. Russia Suffers ‘Catastrophic Strategic Disaster’ in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has been "a catastrophic strategic disaster," Colin H. Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, told the Defense Writers' Group yesterday. Kahl briefed the group about the National Defense Strategy and said that the document lists China as the pacing threat for the United States, but that Russia poses an acute threat. "That term acute, was chosen very intentionally as signifying both immediate and sharp," he said.  China has the will and resources to challenge the United States and the rule-based international order that has kept the peace since the end of World…
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Kherson biggest Russian loss since withdrawal from Kyiv

Kherson biggest Russian loss since withdrawal from Kyiv

By Paul Adams Diplomatic correspondent When Kherson is fully back in Ukrainian hands, which now only seems a matter of time, this will represent a hugely consequential moment in a war now in its ninth month. The loss of Kherson is on a par with Russia's humiliating withdrawal from the capital Kyiv earlier in the year, and caps a stunning three-month change of fortunes for the Ukrainians. Nothing has gone Russia's way for months. They've lost huge swathes of territory in the east, the flagship of their Black Sea fleet has been sunk and a crucial bridge from Russia to…
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Ukraine Calls for More Anti-Drone Gear as Air-Defense Missiles Arrive

Ukraine Calls for More Anti-Drone Gear as Air-Defense Missiles Arrive

Sophisticated new air-defense missiles became operational in Ukraine this week, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday, even as reports surfaced that Iran is considering supplying Russian forces with ballistic missiles. The first shipment of National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, or NASAMS, “are now in Ukraine and operational” under crews who have been trained in an unspecified European host country, Brig. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder told reporters. Ryder said the NASAMS will help protect Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, among other things, from “basically any type of advanced aerial threat that Russia may try to employ against Ukrainian targets or civilians.” But just as…
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US and Ukraine’s position on negotiations with Russia matches, – State Department

US and Ukraine’s position on negotiations with Russia matches, – State Department

The U.S. stands in solidarity with Ukraine’s position that the Kremlin does not want any peace talks that would be consistent with the principles of the UN Charter and international law - on the contrary, Russia is doing the opposite and continues to kill Ukrainian civilians. This was stated on Monday during a briefing in Washington, D.C., by U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price, reports Censor.NЕТ with reference to Ukrinform. "We believe, as do Ukrainians, in the establishment of peace. A peace that respects the principles of the UN Charter on territorial integrity and sovereignty, that ensures Ukraine's ability to protect its…
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