De-occupation of Crimea will be a clear signal to all dictators that defeat awaits them – Kuleba

De-occupation of Crimea will be a clear signal to all dictators that defeat awaits them – Kuleba

De-occupation of Crimea will send a clear signal to dictators from around the world that because of the violation of peaceful coexistence norms they will face a harsh reaction of the whole world and eventually defeat. This was stated by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in his closing remarks at the second summit of the Crimean Platform, inforrms Censor.NЕТ referring to UkrInform. "If Russia had never occupied Crimea, we could have avoided many tragedies. Returning Crimea to Ukraine remains the most effective way to ensure European security. The International Crimea Platform is the only existing international forum aimed at achieving this…
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Ukraine will return Crimea in the way it decides – President

Ukraine will return Crimea in the way it decides – President

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasizes that Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine, and our state will return the peninsula occupied by Russia by any available means. The Head of State said this during a press conference following the Second Summit of the Crimea Platform. "We will return Crimea, because it is our territory. In any way we decide. We will decide it on our own, without consulting any other state," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. The President recalled that Ukraine had for a long time demonstrated its desire to end the conflict over the occupied territories, in particular Crimea, through diplomatic means,…
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Borrell – to Ukrainians: Together we are Europe, and together we are strength.

Borrell – to Ukrainians: Together we are Europe, and together we are strength.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, addressed the defenders of Ukraine. "Dear Ukrainian friends! Today I appeal to your heroic defenders. Together with all the people of Ukraine, you fearlessly defend the sovereignty and independence of your state and the principles of democracy. There can be no compromises regarding your freedom. Admiring your steadfastness, Europe stands side by side with you," Borrell said. He emphasized that the European Union will help Ukraine rebuild a strong and European state. "Together we will stand and rebuild a strong, European Ukraine. It is impossible…
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World will never recognize attempts of Russian Federation to occupy territory of Ukraine, – Sholtz

World will never recognize attempts of Russian Federation to occupy territory of Ukraine, – Sholtz

The world did not recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea eight years ago, nor does it recognize attempts to annex new Ukrainian territories. Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Federal Republic of Germany stated this while addressing the participants of the second summit of the Crimean Platform "The international community will never accept Russia's illegal imperialist annexation of Ukrainian territory... We condemn Russia's attempts to forcefully integrate parts of Ukrainian territories. Our message is clear: any shameful referendums and other attempts to change the status of parts of Ukrainian territory will never be recognized," - emphasized the German politician. He noted that…
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This day has shown how strong our state has become, and this is not the limit yet – address by the President of Ukraine

This day has shown how strong our state has become, and this is not the limit yet – address by the President of Ukraine

Ukrainians! All our defenders! Today was a useful day for Ukraine, very meaningful. A day that showed how strong our state has become, and this is not the limit yet. We are doing everything so that the strength of Ukraine, the opportunities of Ukraine, the freedom of Ukraine only increase. Today we celebrate the day of our flag, and it happens at a time when we are fighting against the most dreadful threat to our statehood and at the same time when we have achieved the greatest national unity. That is why we endured. Because we united and united the…
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About those who understand putin  (“understandists”)

About those who understand putin (“understandists”)

An exclusive article by the leading Ukrainian political scientist, Doctor of Political Sciences, Maria Karmazina With the beginning of a full-fledged war of the russian federation against Ukraine, distinct fault lines between those who condemn and those who understand Putin (“understandists”) have become apparent in Europe, Ukraine, and the rest of the world. Understandists are not a new sub-species of homo sapiens. Their traditions (see nothing, hear nothing, make a profit) were laid down in the previous century. Romain Rolland, Bernard Shaw, and many others distinguished themselves as idolators of the Soviets and Stalin back in the 1930s. Some of…
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“I am grateful to all European politicians who do not forget that the eighth sanctions package against Russia is needed”, – address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

“I am grateful to all European politicians who do not forget that the eighth sanctions package against Russia is needed”, – address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The total number of various cruise missiles that Russia has used against us is approaching 3,500. It is simply impossible to count the strikes of Russian artillery - there are too many of them, they are too intense. And at the same time, the terrorist state does not stop playing around with international structures and once again has the audacity to convene the UN Security Council to discuss its own provocations, its own terror at the Zaporizhzhia NPP... I am grateful to all European politicians who do not forget that the eighth sanctions package against Russia is needed. The longer…
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Russia convenes UN Security Council “regarding situation around Zaporizhzhia NPP”

Russia convenes UN Security Council “regarding situation around Zaporizhzhia NPP”

The Russian Federation invited the holding of an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on August 23 "regarding the situation around the Zaporizhzhia NPP" in order to informationally interrupt the discussion of the consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine scheduled for August 24. Ukrinform was informed about this by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN "This is another desperate attempt by the Russian delegation to use the tools of the UN Security Council in order to, firstly, disrupt the meeting planned for August 24, and secondly, to accuse Ukraine of shelling the ZNPP, which Russia itself regularly…
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Armed Forces of Ukraine and fighters of resistant movement remind russian invaders about their permanent presence

Armed Forces of Ukraine and fighters of resistant movement remind russian invaders about their permanent presence

The well-targeted attack on the Antoniv bridge in Kherson was officially confirmed by the Operational Command "South" on the afternoon of August 22. The AFU successfully worked on the crossing and made it unfit for movement. This was announced today by Natalia Humeniuk, the anniversary of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine Eyewitnesses report 8-10 "arrivals" on the bridge. "The Antoniv Bridge is one of the transport routes that the Russians are trying to resuscitate, but realizing that such a structure cannot be patched up with a bucket of concrete, but requires quite significant repairs and technological processes. That is…
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We will not rest until Ukraine wins, – President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen

We will not rest until Ukraine wins, – President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, mentioned the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine in a statement dedicated to the All-European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of All Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes, which will be celebrated on August 23. "On the 83rd anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, this date takes on special significance. This year, Putin returned to Europe the horrors of war along with a reminder that peace cannot be taken for granted," said the head of the European Commission. According to her, unfortunately, the painful memory of the past found an…
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