Fact checks

Russian propaganda distributing fake video with NATO logo

Russian propaganda distributing fake video with NATO logo

Russia continues its campaign to discredit employees of military recruitment centers Russian pro-war Telegram channels, Kremlin media outlets and bots on YouTube are sharing a video allegedly created by the press service of the North Atlantic Alliance. The video shows the U.S. military leadership allegedly preparing to send instructors from the Israeli Krav Maga hand-to-hand combat system to Ukraine, where they will teach military personnel from military recruitment centers to protect themselves from Ukrainians who do not want to be mobilized. This is a fake video. Such a video was not posted on the official NATO website and the social…
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Russian propaganda spreading fake documents on behalf of military administration amid offensive in Kharkiv region

Russian propaganda spreading fake documents on behalf of military administration amid offensive in Kharkiv region

Fakes concern mobilization of minors, Ukraine's defense capability, and fundraisers for Ukrainian Armed Forces Russian Telegram channels and pro-Kremlin media outlets are distributing a document that Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv regional military administration, allegedly sent to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. He allegedly asked the Ukrainian leader to move to the city of Kharkiv the members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who are currently involved in the defense of Kupiansk, Vovchansk, Balakliia and Izium and to consider mobilizing 17-year-old boys. In this way, it is allegedly possible to mobilize up to 35,000…
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Russian propaganda spreading fake documents on behalf of military administration amid offensive in Kharkiv region

Russian propaganda spreading fake documents on behalf of military administration amid offensive in Kharkiv region

Fakes concern mobilization of minors, Ukraine's defense capability, and fundraisers for Ukrainian Armed Forces Russian Telegram channels and pro-Kremlin media outlets are distributing a document that Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv regional military administration, allegedly sent to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. He allegedly asked the Ukrainian leader to move to the city of Kharkiv the members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who are currently involved in the defense of Kupiansk, Vovchansk, Balakliia and Izium and to consider mobilizing 17-year-old boys. In this way, it is allegedly possible to mobilize up to 35,000…
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Posts showing graffiti in Europe about Ukraine elections spreading on Facebook

Posts showing graffiti in Europe about Ukraine elections spreading on Facebook

Russian propaganda used photo of Ukrainian doctor to create fake profile of 'journalist' In Munich, on May 20, unidentified persons painted graffiti on the grave of Stepan Bandera with the inscription "We need elections." Two days later, unknown vandals left the same inscription on the building opposite the Ukrainian House in Warsaw. At the same time, this inscription appeared at another location in the Polish capital: on the sidewalk near the consular department of the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland. On May 24, a video from downtown Paris emerged on the internet, where a person, who is difficult to identify, left…
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100 days of war and russian lies

100 days of war and russian lies

Zmist is fighting russian propaganda since day 1. The number of fakes disproven: 239. Main narratives: russia is defending itself against NATONATO and the EU are orchestrating a global food crisisThe US was developing bioweapons in Ukraine and NigeriaPoland is planning to capture western UkraineThe Ukrainian army is destroyed, russian victory is closerussians don’t commit war crimes, Ukrainians doSanctions against russia are destroying EuropeThe world is dominated by russophobia Goals evolution: We are not going to attack, we want to conduct a military exerciseWe would like to replace the Ukrainian government and denazify UkraineWe wish to demilitarize Ukraine to ensure…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 29th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 29th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is not as active but is mostly focused on russian offensive in Donbas. Kremlin-bought “foreign” experts continue to push russian narratives about the futility of Ukrainian resistance, the need for Ukraine to capitulate to the superior russian army, and the need for Europe to appease russia to avoid nuclear war.…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 28th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 28th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is not as active but is mostly focused on russian offensive in Donbas. putin officially removed age restrictions for military contracts in russia. This means that people younger than 18 and older than 40 can now join the military. russia is running out of men willing to fight in Ukraine.…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 26th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 26th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is mostly focused on russian offensive in Donbas. The disinformation campaign against Ukraine is shifting into overdrive. It is clear that russia wants to break Ukrainian morale and will to fight, and the propagandist effort to achieve this is immense. The intensity of russians narratives about the inevitable and total…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 25th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 25th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is mostly focused on russian offensive in Donbas. There are a lot of talks about thousands of Ukrainian prisoners captured by russian forces and inevitable Ukrainian defeat - all as usual. Protests in Armenia are getting more coverage, russian propaganda is staying neutral, as the pro-russian Armenian government has changed…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 24th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 24th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is mostly focused on russian offensive in Donbas. russian army has achieved some tactical advances, so, as usual, russian propaganda proclaims the impending defeat of Ukrainian forces in the region. russian occupiers are trying to integrate the Kherson region into russia. Propaganda is spreading fakes about people of Kherson wanting…
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