Fact checks

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 21-22th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 21-22th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is still focused on the evacuation of Azovstal. The smear campaign against “Azov” soldiers continues, with more and more hate and ridicule thrown their way. More kremlin-paid western “experts” are speaking out against putin's humiliation and in favor of appeasement of russia by surrendering Ukrainian territories. russia is trying everything…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 20th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 20th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is still focused on the evacuation of Azovstal. Propagandists say that the Ukrainian military will collapse after the surrender of Azov due to bad morale and high losses. They were saying that many times before, but it is Day 86 of the war, and the Ukrainian army is still fighting.…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 19th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 19th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is still focused on the evacuation of Azovstal. Propaganda is trying to humiliate, mock and denigrate the Mariupol defenders. Their surrender is portrayed as if the whole Ukrainian army had collapsed. A lot of attention is given to the russian economy, with the usual mix of optimistic assurances and depressive…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 18th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 18th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is focused on the evacuation of Azovstal.  After more than 80 days of siege, the Ukrainian garrison negotiated the transfer of the wounded to russian forces. The propagandists portray this as a crushing Ukrainian defeat, even though russia lost huge amounts of time, men, and material trying to take the…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 16th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 16th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is focused on the annual meeting of the russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization. Leaders of the vassal countries arrived in Moscow for the occasion, and the whole meeting was used as a propaganda stunt. The usual narratives of russian propaganda were repeated and reinforced. Propagandists are still mad about Ukraine…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 14th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 14th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is not as active, as is usual on weekends. Media channels are still mostly filled with hatred towards Latvia and Poland, even calling hatred toward russians a pillar of Polish national ideas. Foreign Minister Lavrov had a press day. He used the opportunity to call everybody who opposes russia…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 13th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 13th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is focused on Latvia and Poland. According to russian propaganda, Latvia is now a Nazi country. Latvia's resistance to russian propaganda efforts caused ire in the kremlin, so now all the major media channels are generating hate toward the country. Poland is getting a similar treatment, after all the…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 12th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 12th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is focused on Finland and Sweden joining NATO, and the US Lend-Lease act. The media is filled with threats toward Finland and Sweden, both veiled and overt. Propagandists claim that Land-lease will not help Ukraine, since $40 billion is not enough to defeat russia. Only, US military spending usually…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 9-10th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 9-10th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. The russian information space is focused on the May 9 victory celebrations. Everything is filled with images of parades, flags, and other russian and soviet symbolic. The victory day is called the most important day for russia, and the main pillar of russian identity, without which there is no russian nation. How did the…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 8th, 2022

Information Warfare: russian fakes for May 8th, 2022

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, mass media, social networks, and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is focused almost in its entirety on the May 9 victory celebrations. The cult of victory has become a second religion in the country, one of the few pillars of russian national idea, and the hysteria that precedes the victory day is reaching its apogee. putin, traditionally, rides the…
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