Fact checks

Information Warfare: russian fakes for April 2nd 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for April 2nd 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today the russian information space is mostly quiet, the media activity is down, as is usual during the weekends. Propagandists are still reeling from the shock caused by the sudden withdrawal of russian troops from the northern fronts, and are setting out to present this retreat as a part of some secret master plan hatched…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for April 1st 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for April 1st 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is dominated by the news about the helicopter strike against russian Belgorod. Propagandists are shocked after the rapid withdrawal of russian forces on multiple fronts. The victorious campaign, which was glorified by russia, suddenly stopped being victorious, and judging by the propagandists’ reaction, the state media was not informed about…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 31st, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 31st, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is dominated by the narratives about the new russian gas deal. The statements of russian and European officials do not match, so it appears that the EU will buy gas with euros, and the russian propaganda will say that they are buying with rubles. The official statements concerning the war…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 30th 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 30th 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is dominated by the narratives about the russo-Ukrainian negotiations in Turkey. Russian officials are trying to calm down the populace, saying that it is better to win through diplomacy, than through warfare. The militaristic hysteria that had spread during the last weeks is being suppressed. The Russian government is slowly…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 29th 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 29th 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is dominated by the narratives about the russo-Ukrainian negotiations in Turkey and the Ukrainian war crimes. The statements made by the negotiators provoked a slight panic among the russian populace, who, thanks to state propaganda, were expecting a total russian victory. The official statements concerning the war are creating a…
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Occupiers spread fakes to divert attention from their atrocities

Occupiers spread fakes to divert attention from their atrocities

Russian fakes are similar to Russian TV series: cheap, vulgar, predictable and with poor acting. Staged videos appear on anonymous telegram channels: either about alleged ill-treatment of captured invaders, or about injuring and even murdering the occupiers. Often, the primary source is pro-Russian communities on social media, directly managed by Russian special services and Russian MoD. Why such publications appear? It’s simple - the atrocities of Russian occupiers have already shocked the whole world so much that they undermine all the myths about the ‘liberators’. So, their purpose is to shift the emphasis and try to convince the audience that…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 28th 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 28th 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today, the russian information space is dominated by the narratives about the Ukrainian war crimes and the effect sanctions have on Europe. There are attempts to “water down” the understanding of war crimes in Ukraine on the international level. The official statements concerning the war are creating a notion that the Ukrainian army is almost…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 26th 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 26th 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. Today, russian information space is dominated by the measures the government takes to ease the blow dealt to the economy by sanctions. Less attention is given to the military successes, the official statements from the government and the military concerning the war have become more neutral. There is a tendency to retroactively change the goals…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 24-25th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 24-25th, 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. FAKE: Security Council vote on Russian resolution showed who really cares about humanitarian situation in Ukraine Source:  Disproof: Russia’s UN resolution didn’t mention the fact that Russia itself had started the war and caused a humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine. This is why all the members of the UN Security Council, apart from China, abstained from…
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Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 23rd 2022 (at 18:00)

Information Warfare: russian fakes for March 23rd 2022 (at 18:00)

Millions of Ukrainians are encountering Russian propaganda every day. It spreads through TV, radio, media, social networks and by word of mouth. To defeat the enemy, we must fight it on all fronts. To this end, we have prepared a daily compilation of Russian fakes. FAKE: Ukraine gives western weapons to Nazis, bandits, and terrorists Source:  Disproof: We see, once again, the usual russian narratives about the war in Ukraine. Russia is trying to discredit Ukraine and cut us from international support by any means. We see claims about “mercenary-thugs” – in reality ordinary people who volunteer to fight for…
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